Перевод: с английского на португальский

с португальского на английский

so i thought

  • 81 innocuous

    (harmless: This drug was at first mistakenly thought to be innocuous.) inofensivo
    * * *
    [in'ɔkjuəs] adj inócuo, inofensivo.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > innocuous

  • 82 joke

    [‹əuk] 1. noun
    1) (anything said or done to cause laughter: He told/made the old joke about the elephant in the refrigerator; He dressed up as a ghost for a joke; He played a joke on us and dressed up as a ghost.) partida
    2) (something that causes laughter or amusement: The children thought it a huge joke when the cat stole the fish.) piada
    2. verb
    1) (to make a joke or jokes: They joked about my mistake for a long time afterwards.) brincar
    2) (to talk playfully and not seriously: Don't be upset by what he said - he was only joking.) brincar
    - jokingly
    - it's no joke
    - joking apart/aside
    - take a joke
    * * *
    [dʒouk] n 1 chiste, gracejo, brincadeira, graça, pilhéria, troça. she cannot see a joke, she cannot take a joke / ela não gosta de gracejos, ela não é amiga de brincadeiras. I do not see the joke / não sei qual é a graça. 2 pândega, pagode, ridículo. • vt+vi 1 troçar, chacotear, gracejar, brincar, galhofar, pilheriar. you are joking / você não está falando sério, você está brincando. 2 ridicularizar, zombar. a practical joke peça, travessura, trote (telefone). in joke de brincadeira. it’s no joke é sério. to be/ go beyond a joke perder a graça, ficar preocupante. to tell a joke contar uma anedota.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > joke

  • 83 love

    1. noun
    1) (a feeling of great fondness or enthusiasm for a person or thing: She has a great love of music; her love for her children.) amor
    2) (strong attachment with sexual attraction: They are in love with one another.) amor
    3) (a person or thing that is thought of with (great) fondness (used also as a term of affection): Ballet is the love of her life; Goodbye, love!) amor
    4) (a score of nothing in tennis: The present score is fifteen love (written 15-0).) love
    2. verb
    1) (to be (very) fond of: She loves her children dearly.) amar
    2) (to take pleasure in: They both love dancing.) gostar de
    - lovely
    - loveliness
    - lover
    - loving
    - lovingly
    - love affair
    - love-letter
    - lovesick
    - fall in love with
    - fall in love
    - for love or money
    - make love
    - there's no love lost between them
    * * *
    [l∧v] n 1 amor, forte afeição. 2 pessoa amada. 3 cupido. 4 Sport pontuação zero (no tênis). • vt+vi amar, querer, gostar de. for love of one’s country por amor à pátria. for love or money de qualquer maneira. labour of love trabalho caritativo ou desinteressado. there’s no love last between them não se toleram. to fall in love apaixonar-se. to make love to fazer amor. to play for love jogar por passatempo.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > love

  • 84 malice aforethought

    mal.ice a.fore.thought
    [m'ælis əfɔ:θɔ:t] n Jur premeditação.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > malice aforethought

  • 85 manly

    adjective (having the qualities thought desirable in a man, ie strength, determination, courage etc: He is strong and manly.) másculo
    * * *
    [m'ænli] adj varonil, valoroso.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > manly

  • 86 meditate

    1) (to think deeply: He was meditating on his troubles.) meditar
    2) (to spend short, regular periods in deep (especially religious) thought: He meditates twice a day.) fazer meditação
    - meditative
    - meditatively
    * * *
    [m'editeit] vt+vi 1 meditar, refletir, pensar. 2 cogitar, projetar.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > meditate

  • 87 merrythought

    [m'eriθɔ:t] n 1 Zool fúrcula: parte do esqueleto das aves formada pelas duas clavículas ligadas. 2 osso da sorte.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > merrythought

  • 88 might

    1) (past tense of may: I thought I might find you here; He might come if you offered him a meal.) ser capaz de
    2) (used instead of `may', eg to make a possibility seem less likely, or a request for permission more polite: He might win if he tries hard; Might I speak to you for a few minutes, please?) poder
    3) (used in suggesting that a person is not doing what he should: You might help me clean the car!) podia
    - might have
    - I might have known
    (power or strength: The might of the opposing army was too great for us.) força
    - mightily
    - mightiness
    * * *
    [m'ait] n força, poder. • v ps of may (poder). with might and main com toda a força.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > might

  • 89 miracle

    1) (something which man is not normally capable of making happen and which is therefore thought to be done by a god or God: Christ's turning of water into wine was a miracle.) milagre
    2) (a fortunate happening that has no obvious natural cause or explanation: It's a miracle he wasn't killed in the plane crash.) milagre
    - miraculously
    * * *
    [m'irəkəl] n 1 milagre. 2 maravilha.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > miracle

  • 90 native

    ['neitiv] 1. adjective
    1) (where one was born: my native land.) natal
    2) (belonging to that place; local: the native customs/art of Brazil; This animal/plant is native to Australia.) pátrio
    3) (belonging by race to a country: a native Englishman.) de nascimento
    4) (belonging to a person naturally: native intelligence.) natural
    2. noun
    1) (a person born in a certain place: a native of Scotland; a native of London.) natural
    2) (one of the original inhabitants of a country eg before the arrival of explorers, immigrants etc: Columbus thought the natives of America were Indians.) nativo
    - native language/tongue
    - native speaker
    - native to
    - the Nativity
    * * *
    [n'eitiv] n 1 nativo, natural. 2 aborígine. • adj 1 nativo, natural. 2 nato. 3 inato, inerente. 4 sem afetação. 5 genuíno, puro. native speaker of English pessoa que fala inglês como primeira língua. to go native viver como os naturais ou os indígenas de algum lugar.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > native

  • 91 nudism

    noun (the practice of not wearing clothes usually because it is thought to be healthy.) nudismo
    * * *
    [nj'u:dizəm, n'u:dizəm] n nudismo.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > nudism

  • 92 of late

    (lately: He thought she had been less friendly of late.) ultimamente
    * * *
    of late
    ultimamente, nos últimos tempos.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > of late

  • 93 oppress

    1) (to govern cruelly: The king oppressed his people.) oprimir
    2) (to worry or depress: The thought of leaving her oppressed me.) deprimir
    - oppressive
    - oppressively
    - oppressiveness
    - oppressor
    * * *
    [əpr'es] vt 1 oprimir, tiranizar. 2 afligir, molestar. 3 sobrecarregar.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > oppress

  • 94 original

    1) (existing at the beginning; first: This part of the house is new but the rest is original.) original
    2) ((able to produce ideas which are) new, fresh or not thought of before: original ideas; He has a very original mind.) original
    3) ((of a painting etc) by the artist etc, from which copies may be made: The original painting is in the museum, but there are hundreds of copies.) original
    * * *
    [ər'idʒənəl] n 1 original, texto. 2 esquisitão. 3 origem, fonte.adj 1 original, primitivo, inicial. 2 novo, jamais feito, produzido, etc. 3 inventivo, engenhoso.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > original

  • 95 outright

    1. adverb
    1) (honestly: I told him outright what I thought.) francamente
    2) (immediately: He was killed outright.) imediatamente
    2. adjective
    (without any exception or doubt: He is the outright winner.) indiscutível
    * * *
    [autr'ait] adj 1 sincero, franco. 2 completo, total. • adv 1 completamente, inteiramente. 2 diretamente, francamente. to be killed outright morrer imediatamente. to laugh outright rir às gargalhadas.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > outright

  • 96 pair

    [peə] 1. noun
    1) (a set of two of the same thing which are (intended to be) used etc together: a pair of shoes/gloves.) par
    2) (a single thing made up of two parts: a pair of scissors; a pair of pants.) par
    3) (two people, animals etc, often one of either sex, who are thought of together for some reason: a pair of giant pandas; John and James are the guilty pair.) par
    2. verb
    (to make into a pair: She was paired with my brother in the tennis match.) emparelhar
    * * *
    [pɛə] n 1 par. 2 dupla. 3 parelha. 4 casal. 5 objeto formado de duas partes iguais. 6 arch lance de escada. 7 sl seios de mulher. • vt+vi 1 emparelhar. 2 juntar, unir. 3 casar-se. 4 acasalar-se. 5 formar um par (jogo de cartas). a pair of gloves um par de luvas. a pair of nippers um alicate. a pair of pajamas um pijama. a pair of scissors uma tesoura. a pair of shoes um par de sapatos. a pair of spectacles (ou glasses) um par de óculos. a pair of trousers uma calça. a two pair front room um quarto de frente no segundo andar. in pairs aos pares. the pair of you ambos. to pair off a) dispor em pares, igualar, equilibrar. b) sair aos pares. they paired off / eles saíram aos pares. to pair up fazer aos pares (no trabalho, no esporte, etc.). to pair with fazer parelha com. up four pairs of stairs no quarto andar.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > pair

  • 97 particular

    1) (of a single definite person, thing etc thought of separately from all others: this particular man/problem.) específico
    2) (more than ordinary: Please take particular care of this letter.) especial
    3) (difficult to please: He is very particular about his food.) exigente
    - particulars
    - in particular
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    [pət'ikjulə] n 1 particular, indivíduo qualquer. 2 particularidade, pormenor. 3 pormenores, detalhes. 4 sl peculiaridade, característico. • adj 1 particular, específico, próprio. 2 privado, reservado. 3 minucioso, detalhista. don’t be too particular about it / não seja tão detalhista a respeito. 4 detalhado. a full and particular account / um informe completo e detalhado. 5 especial, extraordinário. 6 estranho, singular. a particular way / modos singulares. for further particulars apply to para maiores detalhes dirija-se a. he is very particular in his eating and drinking ele é difícil de contentar em matéria de comida e bebida. I have not heard this particular lesson não ouvi a conferência em questão. in general and in particular em geral e em particular. in particular a) especialmente, particularmente. b) detalhadamente, pormenorizadamente. they are not particular to a week uma semana não lhes faz diferença. to enter into particulars entrar em detalhes. you must be particular not to... você deve ser cauteloso para não...

    English-Portuguese dictionary > particular

  • 98 petrify

    (to make (someone) very frightened; to terrify: The thought of having to make a speech petrified him.) petrificar
    * * *
    [p'etrifai] vt+vi 1 petrificar(-se), converter(-se) em pedra. 2 empedernir(-se), tornar(-se) insensível. 3 estupeficar, paralisar.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > petrify

  • 99 possible

    1) (able to happen or be done: It's possible that the train will be delayed; We'll come as soon as possible; I'll do everything possible; She did the only possible thing in the circumstances.) possível
    2) (satisfactory; acceptable: I've thought of a possible solution to the problem.) possível
    - possibly
    * * *
    [p'ɔsəbəl] n possível: aquilo que é possível. • adj 1 possível: a) que pode acontecer. b) realizável, praticável. c) concebível, admissível. 2 potencial. 3 coll aceitável, passável.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > possible

  • 100 premeditated

    (thought out in advance; planned: premeditated murder.) premeditado
    * * *
    [pri:m'editeitid] adj premeditado.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > premeditated

См. также в других словарях:

  • Thought suppression — Thought suppression, the process of deliberately trying to stop thinking about certain thoughts (Wegner, 1989), is associated with obsessive compulsive disorder, in which a sufferer will repeatedly (usually unsuccessfully) attempt to prevent or… …   Wikipedia

  • Thought Field Therapy — Thought Field Therapy, or TFT, is an alternative treatment developed by an American psychologist, Roger Callahan, Ph.D. Its proponents say that it can heal of a variety of mental and physical ailments through specialized tapping with the fingers… …   Wikipedia

  • Thought Reform and the Psychology of Totalism —   …   Wikipedia

  • Thought — Thought, n. [OE. [thorn]oght, [thorn]ouht, AS. [thorn][=o]ht, ge[thorn][=o]ht, fr. [thorn]encean to think; akin to D. gedachte thought, MHG. d[=a]ht, ged[=a]ht, Icel. [thorn][=o]ttr, [thorn][=o]tti. See {Think}.] 1. The act of thinking; the… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Thought leader — is a buzzword or article of jargon used to describe a futurist or person who is recognized among their peers and mentors for innovative ideas and demonstrates the confidence to promote or share those ideas as actionable distilled insights… …   Wikipedia

  • Thought Thieves — is the name of a 2005 competition sponsored by Microsoft UK for short films mdash; more precisely, video works mdash; in a format compatible with Microsoft Windows Media Player on the theme of How intellectual property theft affects both… …   Wikipedia

  • thought — *idea, concept, conception, notion, impression Analogous words: *opinion, view, sentiment, belief, conviction, persuasion thoughtful 1 Thoughtful, reflective, speculative, contemplative, meditative, pensive can be applied to persons or their… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • Thought (disambiguation) — Thought is a mental process which allows beings to be conscious, make decisions, imagine and, in general, operate on symbols in a rational or irrational manner. It is an element/instance of thinking and is used as its synonym.Thought may refer to …   Wikipedia

  • Thought Riot — is an American hardcore punk band from California s Central Valley. The band is composed of intellectual young people, pushing progressive political ideas through their lyrics. The writings of philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche are cited and often… …   Wikipedia

  • Thought Field Therapy — (TFT) ist ein komplementärmedizinisches Therapieverfahren von dem US amerikanischen Psychotherapeuten Roger J. Callahan. Callahan gilt als der Begründer der Energetischen Psychologie.[1] Thought Field Therapy wird genau wie die… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • thought — [1] ► NOUN 1) an idea or opinion produced by thinking or occurring suddenly in the mind. 2) the action or process of thinking. 3) (one s thoughts) one s mind or attention. 4) an act of considering or remembering. 5) careful consideration or… …   English terms dictionary

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